The pandemic has certainly been restricting us musicians in our activities! One of the things I have missed, is not being able to connect in person with other piano teachers and, while I know there have been countless webinars available for teachers, I wanted to offer something a bit different, something off the beaten path, as it were, in terms of content. That is why I have been working to come up with a private online presentation, which, perhaps can become a recurring event.
As many of you know, I love digging through old books written by or about pianists, magazines, vintage advertisements, pictures and even movies and television shows where the idea of classical piano music is portrayed in some capacity or another. I roam thru plenty of non-musical related texts as well (both fiction and non-fiction) where I inevitably find some golden morsel of an idea for helping me to stay inspired as I play and teach. I am a bit of a piano magpie, with lots to present for "show and tell." 🥰
So...Club 88 is my new creation. Club 88 is a virtual hangout for inspired piano teachers and I will be holding it on Wednesday, August 4, 2021, from 10:30am-12:00pm EST. The event will take place via Skype (private link to be emailed prior to the event) and the cost is $8 per teacher. While I would love to be able to offer the presentation at no charge, this small fee will help to offset some of the costs associated with preparing the content and organizing details. While payments made via Interac e-Transfer are preferred, you can also pay via PayPal ( Should you prefer to send cash or cheque by mail, then please send me a private message so that I can provide you with my mailing address. Thank you!
Please note that Club 88 is for piano teachers only. Registration is required and this simply consists of sending me an email to express your interest (my address is Of course, it is hoped that participants will bring along any of their own stories, ideas and anecdotes to share with the group. Please see the flyer below and feel free to spread the word with your piano teacher colleagues, wherever they may be!